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Home Marketing How Content Marketing isn't as Bad as You Think

How Content Marketing isn’t as Bad as You Think

Content marketing is a rather new term that many people know of but they don’t follow content marketing. It might seem like an unnecessary expense but it has so much hidden potential. It helps small and big businesses alike and helps a company to be easily discovered by prospects or referral sources.

Some companies spend millions of dollars on advertising campaigns that are uncertain and these campaigns don’t even help in giving insights but content marketing, on the other hand, is cheap and is targeted only to a specific audience.

What is Content Marketing

Content Marketing is a form of marketing the content on your website. This content is modified with keywords and specific information that will attract the attention of the audience reading the post. The best part of content marketing is that it is targeted and the advertisements reach out only to the audience who have shown a specific interest in the past.

Google plays an important role in content marketing because the search engine of google recognizes reputable, relevant, and reliable content for every search term out there. If your website is providing the right information and has enough audience, google will automatically promote your website.

How is Content Marketing Performed?

Content marketing is very simple and can be included in the overall marketing strategy without any issues. To get started with content marketing members from every department such as sales, operations, and finance have to work on providing meaningful and relevant content that can help increase its web traffic organically.

This content is then modified or tweaked according to SEO requirements and once the information is public, the company can start tracking the traffic and collecting insights.

How Content Marketing isn’t as bad as you think?

Google pushes good content automatically – 

There are many theories and myths about google and how the algorithm of google works. The complete algorithm can never be understood but one thing that is certain is that google pushes good content automatically. If a company works to provide quality content, Google will make sure that the audience read that piece of information before reading other articles.

Matt Cutts the former head of webspam at Google confirmed this and said that they are always looking for good content at google and want the viewers to view only the best. To make it simple, content marketing dramatically boosts website traffic from your most effective traffic channel.

Content marketing drives more sales – 

Gathering customers is the hardest part of marketing and what is the use of content marketing if it doesn’t help with sales. The good thing here is that content marketing not only helps to bring traffic to the website but also helps to improve sales.

No customer visits the website and purchases a product immediately, the customer goes through a series of steps which involve knowing the site, understanding the product, establishing trust, etc.

Content marketing helps to bring traffic and the content helps to establish a relationship. Now, the offers and sales on the website can convince the customer to purchase a product.

Content marketing helps to get control of the conversation – 

When people enter a website they are not sure about the product they want to purchase, they are unsure of getting a premium version or just the basic version of any product.

Imagine yourself walking into an electronic store to buy a TV but you are unsure of getting a 42inch Tv or just a basic TV. The people working in the store will now come to you and start a conversation to talk about the advantages of getting a 43inch TV and why you should go for it. You will then make up your mind and purchase the 42inch Tv.

Content marketing is similar to these agents, these websites have information filled with conversion points that help in controlling the desires of the customers and can help in upselling almost anything.

It’s way less annoying than traditional marketing – 

Traditional marketing involves using advertisements to reach out to their audience. It is a fact that nobody likes popups and ads interrupting them every time when they browse through something. It was found that 40% of the people who use the internet already use ad blockers and this means that thE company has already lost 40% of the probable customers.

Content marketing is not directly advertising to the audience but is targeting the subconscious mind of the targeted audience. Content marketing is so much cheaper than posting ads online and purchasing Tv commercials.

Content marketing also helps to grow social media following – 

Content marketing has so many unparalleled benefits and one of them is it being helpful in increasing the brand’s reach through social media platforms.

The content on the websites can be molded to divert the traffic from the website to their social media platform and every viewer who views the content on a web page will now go follow the social media pages to get frequent updates about the offers and know about the latest news about the brand.

Driving Traffic Through Image Search – 

One of the best ways of diverting traffic to a website is through image search. More than 11% of the web users use image search often and visit the website with the most relevant images. Content marketing involves not only posting quality content but posting appropriate and attractive images is also a part of the SERP.

Simply adding the picture doesn’t do any good for the website but these images have to be optimized so that they appear frequently in the search results. Every image has some attributes and these attributes have to be modified. Theta has to be specially mentioned for the image search to work.

Conclusion – 

There are hundreds of strategies and techniques that businesses can use while following content marketing but they should know that all strategies might not be as effective as others might be. Every business is different and every business demands a different approach towards content marketing.

Recommended Reading :

It is important to have all the plans and strategies in a paper and a company should get all the paper help from a professional. It is better to use their own creativity and come up with a custom strategy that has been worked on for quite some time.

Ana Hoffman
Anna Hoffman is a part-time blogger who writes on Business, Technology, Digital Marketing, Real Estate, Lifestyle, and Educational topics.
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