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Looking for Android App Development? Whom to hire, a company, or a Freelancer?

Android App Development is the fastest growing market in the software industry. Many start-up companies and small businesses cannot afford to get an in-house team as they haven’t grown still. So, they have to hire developers for their projects. Now, many companies are in a fix about the method of hiring that can give them the perfect match. So, in this article, we are going to look at ways in which you can employ the ideal developer for your company.

Factors that affect the hiring process of Android app developer

There are various things that you need to consider before you hire a developer for your company. Furthermore, these factors will also determine the platform from where you can hire the developers. Let us take a look at some of the elements:

  • Budget

The budget of the project has a significant role in the hiring process. For instance, agencies mostly have some extra charges, and they tend to charge a lot more than freelance portals. It would help if you were very careful not to go over the budget, or you might end up in a loss. We recommend that for small businesses, the best option is to stick with freelance portals as they are the best option to get talented developers at affordable prices.

  • Value of your business

It might seem illogical, but the agencies indeed give great importance to your businesses’ net worth. In simple terms, they give preference to more prominent organizations and often end up side-tracking the smaller ones. It again proves our initial claim that small businesses should stick to freelance portals to get the perfect development team.

  • Your Timeline

Timeline is something you need to decide, the maximum time you can allot to the project. Based on the time, you have to determine if you will approach an agency or begin your search on the freelance portals. For instance, agencies have readymade teams, and they will start your project as soon as you sign the contract and make the deposit. On the other hand, a search on the freelance portal can take weeks to find the perfect talent that you need to complete the investigation. So, you need to choose your platform depending on the maximum time that you can allot to the project.

  • Long-term Vision

Long-term vision is a very crucial part in your development career. An app isn’t a one-time development; it will need periodic updates to keep it smooth and deliver your users with new and updated features. If you don’t have time you will have to outsource a team every time you wish to roll out an update for your application. Thus, you have to bear the Team’s hiring charges during these updates and go through the hassle of searching developers to use a freelance portal. So, now it’s up to you to find a convenient mode for your company.

  • Flexibility and procurement

Flexibility is a vital issue when you have a project that needs direct contact with the developers and some regular changes.  Freelancers are independent workers. So, it is easier for you to reach them and convey your ideas compared to agencies.

Agencies are massive organizations, and they have various rules and regulations, so it is quite challenging to find an agency that completely suits your taste. On the other hand, there are thousands of freelance websites, so it is easy to find your company’s perfect freelance developer.

Best platforms to hire freelance developers

Now that we have discussed all the factors that will influence your choice of the platform to hire Android developers, let us look at some top freelance websites to hire Android developers:

  • Hired

Hired has millions of developers with various levels of qualification and work experience. This website’s unique feature allows you to automatically search for developers or wait for the website to find the perfect developer for your company automatically. Furthermore, it will enable you to hire a single developer or a group of developers. This website’s affordable pricing makes it very easy for small businesses to hire developers for their projects.

  • Toptal

Toptal consists of the top 3% of android developers. It means that only the best of the best developers are on this website. A significant advantage of hiring developers from Toptal is that the developers have a great understanding of the mobile platform. They are also full of raw talent. The prices are pretty reasonable compared to other websites.

  • People Per Hour

It is a hiring platform specially created for the small business. Here, you can hire developers on an hourly basis if you have a small project. Furthermore, you have the option to hire a developer to be a part of your in-house development team.

  • Freelancer

It is the largest hiring platform. Here, you can find developers for almost any kind of work. Freelancer has many unique features that make it the best hiring platform in the world. For instance, it allows you to specify the budget, time limit, experience level, etc.

  • LinkedIn

It is an advanced hiring platform. It is not only a job portal but also a social media platform. So, the employers get to interact with the developers before hiring them. Furthermore, the developers post samples of their work to attract jobs. The website also allows you to track how many people interacted with your post.

Best agencies to hire Android developers

Now, let us take a look at some of the best agencies to hire dedicated development teams.

  • The NineHertz

The NineHertz is the leading company to get a development team from for your company. They have developers for all the available platforms and are very reliable as they are in the business for decades. The dedicated teams of The NineHertz ensure that a team working on your project won’t be involved in any other work. Furthermore, they allow you to interview the developers who will be working on your project. Thus, it will help you to be sure about their capabilities. They have very reasonable prices, and they promise to deliver high-quality services.

  • Triple Byte

It is a rising sensation in the development industry. Their commitment to work, massive developer base, and flexible work plan has made them the most rapidly rising development company. Furthermore, many experts have predicted that Triple Byte will become one of the major Android development agencies in the coming years. You can consider their services if you want raw talent at affordable prices.

The verdict

Lastly, we can conclude that hiring a freelancer or an agency will depend on the time and budget of the company.  In most cases, the companies don’t have the time and patience to search freelance portals for days to find the perfect match, so they opt for agencies instead. We recommend you to go for an agency if that is within your budget.

The reason behind this is that an agency will help you with professional services. Thus, it will, in turn, lift the level of your application development process. In case you choose to hire freelancers, we would strongly recommend you to ensure that the developer possesses enough knowledge and experience required for your job.

Ana Hoffman
Anna Hoffman is a part-time blogger who writes on Business, Technology, Digital Marketing, Real Estate, Lifestyle, and Educational topics.


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