Home Design & Development 8 Best React UI Libraries for Creating UIs of Modern Apps

8 Best React UI Libraries for Creating UIs of Modern Apps

The development of a website has many sides to it and front-end development is a crucial one. Over the last decade, this front-end development has witnessed exponential growth both in its approach and technologies. It has its own significant angle to add now more than ever when applications have so many forms. Be it a blogging site, a single page application or a complex mobile app, choosing the right front-end technology is a big deal.

React is a JavaScript library that is considered among the top front-end technologies and is proficient in addressing the varied UI needs of modern applications. It won’t be wrong to say that with its productive tools and features, it has and is still changing the dimensions of web UI development. Another big reason for React’s prominent reputation is its frameworks.

React is a developer’s choice when it comes to the creation of interactive, attractive UIs with minimum hassles because of its declarative views, easy debugging solutions and component-based architecture. But for better iteration and faster results, React UI frameworks are required. While there are many names to pick from, there are a few which are worth working with.

This post curates a list of the seven remarkable React UI frameworks which amplify UI development with their remarkable set of features.

Best React UI Libraries to Develop Applications

1) React MD

React MD library is great for building dynamic user interfaces. It has built-in support for RTL languages and offers a configurable theming. Its notable feature is updating themes dynamically with built-in validation.

In addition, it comes with warning messages when the mix-ins and functions are used incorrectly. Its other noted features include:

  • Support for dark mode
  • Over 2300 pre-built themes (which can be availed via unpkg CDN)
  • Capability to work with CSS modules
  • Consists of more than 80 exported components
  • SassDoc documentation for mix-ins, SCSS variables and functions

2) React Bootstrap

React Bootstrap is practically as old as React itself and is regarded as one of the most popular and evolved UI libraries for React. This UI library is considered more reliable since it re-implements BootStrap components by using React and doesn’t depend on jQuery or bootstrap.js.

Once you install React–Bootstrap with React setup, you have practically everything that’s required to build a functional UI. The features that make it more appealing are:

  • Effortless theming and customization
  • A massive community support
  • Server-side rendering
  • Easy and hassle-free migration to React-Bootstrap v2
  • Layouts with breakpoints for better customization

3) Grommet React UI Libraries

Empowered with powerful building tools and top-notch features, Grommet is popular as the elite React-based framework which makes UI development classy and quirky. It comes with an array of highly productive theming tools and provides support for almost all devices which makes it responsive as well.

Grommet is used by some big players of the Internet world including Netflix, IBM, Samsung and HP which speaks plenty about its efficacy. Let’s have a look at some of its highlighted features which are:

  • An enormous collection of SVG icons
  • Fully customizable layouts
  • Tools to embed high quality media
  • Support for all the latest versions of all premium browsers including Microsoft Edge and Firefox
  • Easy incorporation of components within applications

4) Belle

Belle is another adept React library which supplies developers with configurable components, is easy to use and offers APIs that work consistently across all components. With Belle, developers can work with a comprehensive set of React components including Rating, Button, Card, Toggle and TextInput. Belle has encapsulated components and that helps developers in the creation of a great UX.

Compared to other React libraries and frameworks, Belle is still growing but it is appreciated for its active feedback and high performance. Its other useful features are:

  • Availability of customizable themes and styles
  • Configuration of the base styles of the components
  • Individual modification and localized styling for every component
  • Built-in support for mobile devices
  • ARIA support

5) Chakra UI

Chakra UI is a developer’s go-to component library when it comes to the creation of fast, functional and good-looking user interfaces. It is known for easy styling and customization, availability of pre-built components for speedy development, and its tools to enable developers to compose their own components.

It is also loved by React developers for the availability of modular React components which make for clean coding. Also, it has an easy learning curve and an easy setup. Other significant features of Chakra UI are:

  • Optimized components that work with multiple colour modes
  • Compliance of components with WAI-ARIA standards
  • An active community
  • Accessibility and reusability of components
  • An elaborated styled system with a rich collection of UI designing and development tools and utilities

6) Evergreen

Evergreen is an elaborated design system built on React.JS and contains an extensive set of out-of-box React UI libraries. It is loved by developers for its rich collection of plug-ins and toolkits which result in the development of elegant UIs. Because of its richness in technical ecosystems, Evergreen is considered fitter for creating enterprise-grade apps.

Its components are known for their resilience, agility and a high degree of customization. The visual design elements of this flexible UI framework are informed via iterations done by its adept design team. Some exclusive features of this exclusive framework are:

  • Capability of seamless composability for the creation of new components
  • Customization through expressive APIs
  • Effortless migration from v5 to v6
  • Visual and extensible theming architecture for better and faster designing
  • Availability of reusable combinations of components

7) Rebass

Rebass is one of the best React UI libraries, and it is known for its styled system, responsive styles and an extensive ecosystem of tools to work with. The provision of user-defined scales and design constraints helps developers create a consistent UI. It comprises an array-based syntax, has a minimal footprint and is flexible enough to support the development of complicated designs.

It features detailed and impressive documentation that helps developers see through their projects and requirements. It is favoured by developers for its scalability, systematic guidelines and responsiveness. Other notable features of Rebass include:

  • Styled System props for evolved ergonomics
  • Quality support for theming
  • Compatibility with Theme UI
  • Mobile-friendly responsive styles which are based on breakpoints
  • Easy extension of base components for the creation of a custom design system

8) Semantic React UI Libraries

Semantic UI is an impressive development framework that rightly explains the importance of interface with a single sentence on its site: “User Interface is the language of the web.”

The official plug-in to work with React.JS web development is Semantic UI react. This library comes with a complacent collection of over 50 components including pagination, transitions, segments, button and containers.

It offers impressive theming capabilities and is loved for simplifying the ordeal of UI development. The remarkable features that offer Semantic its popularity are:

  • Concise HTML and use of syntax from natural languages
  • A simplified debugging process
  • Availability of over 3000 theming variables
  • Fully customizable and an innovative inheritance system
  • Distinct types of definitions for a gamut of interface designing variables including collections, modules and views

Take Away

When it comes to UI designing and development, React.JS sure has a lot to offer. But its features and tools are not its only strong points. The abundance of React UI libraries is another one of its advantages. With so many libraries to work with, a developer can always find ways to augment UI development.

The eight libraries mentioned here give ample freedom and control to developers and ensure that they are used in the optimum ways. Some of the libraries, however, are a tad more complex to work with. You can partner with an experienced React web development company and extend your in-house team for the creation of majestic, modern and intricately detailed user interfaces.

Albert Smithhttps://www.hiddenbrains.com/
Albert Smith is a digital marketing manager with Hidden Brains, a leading enterprise mobile & web development company in USA specializing in mobile & web applications, IoT, cloud and big data services. He provides innovative ways to help tech companies, startups and large enterprises build their brand.
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