Home Lifestyle 5 Benefits Of Indoor Plants For Fighting Depression

5 Benefits Of Indoor Plants For Fighting Depression

If you’re looking for a natural way to improve your mood, consider adding some indoor plants to your home. Studies have shown that indoor plants can have a positive impact on mental health, and can even help fight depression. 

Our guide today is Michelle Wilde, the expert in indoor plants from “The Indoor Plants Channel”. Here are five benefits of indoor plants that may surprise you.

“I think that if more people had plants in their homes, they would be happier. They would feel more connected to nature, and they would have something living and growing that they could take care of.” -Dr. Andrew Weil

Depression is a serious mental health condition that can negatively impact every aspect of a person’s life. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, depression affects more than 16.1 million adults in the United States alone. While there are many different treatment options available for depression, one simple and natural option is to add some indoor plants to your home or office space.

5 Benefits Of Indoor Plants For Fighting Depression

Here are five benefits of indoor plants for fighting depression:

1. Boost your mood

Studies have shown that being around plants can improve your mood and reduce stress levels. One such study, conducted by the University of Washington, found that office workers who had plants in their cubicles reported higher levels of satisfaction with their work environment and felt less stressed than those who did not have plants.

2. Improve your focus and concentration.

If you’re struggling to focus or concentrate due to depression, indoor plants can help. One study, published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology, found that students who studied in a room with plants had better attention spans and were better able to recall information than those who studied in a room without plants.

3. Increase your sense of well-being.

Having indoor plants can increase your sense of well-being and make you feel more connected to nature. One study, published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology, found that people who had plants in their homes felt more connected to nature and had a greater sense of well-being than those who did not have plants.

4. Improve your sleep quality.

If you’re struggling with insomnia or poor sleep quality due to depression, indoor plants can help. One study, published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology, found that people who slept in a room with plants had better sleep quality than those who did not have plants in their room.

5. Purify the air.

Indoor plants can also help to purify the air in your home or office, which can improve your respiratory health and reduce your risk of respiratory infections. One study, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, found that indoor plants were able to remove up to 87% of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the air.

So, if you’re struggling with depression, consider adding some indoor plants to your home or office space. Not only can they boost your mood and improve your focus and concentration, but they can also increase your sense of well-being, purify the air, and improve your sleep quality.

Expert Ideas

  1. Place the plant in your bedroom to help you sleep better.
  2. Put the plant in your living room to help you relax.
  3. Put the plant in your kitchen to help you cook more healthy meals.
  4. Take the plant with you when you go to work to help you stay focused.
  5. Give the plant to a friend who is struggling with depression.

Bonus Tips

  1. Get a plant that is easy to care for and does not require a lot of maintenance.
  2. Place your plants in an area of your home where you will see them often.
  3. Take some time each day to care for your plants, such as watering them or simply admiring them.
  4. Choose plants that have a calming effect, such as lavender or chamomile.
  5. Remember that plants can be a great addition to your other depression treatments, such as therapy or medication.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of indoor plants for fighting depression?

There are many benefits to having indoor plants when battling depression. Plants can help to improve air quality, they can boost your mood, and they can provide you with a sense of accomplishment. Additionally, indoor plants can help to reduce stress levels and can provide you with a sense of peace and relaxation.

How do indoor plants improve air quality?

Indoor plants act as natural air purifiers. They help to remove toxins and pollutants from the air, which can improve your overall health and well-being. Additionally, plants help to increase the amount of oxygen in the air, which can also improve your health.

How do indoor plants boost your mood?

Indoor plants can boost your mood in a number of ways. First, they can provide you with a sense of accomplishment. When you take care of a plant and it thrives, it can give you a sense of pride. Additionally, plants can help to reduce stress levels and can provide you with a sense of peace and relaxation. Finally, simply being around plants can boost your mood. Studies have shown that being around nature can help to improve your mood and mental well-being.

What are some of the best indoor plants for fighting depression?

Some of the best indoor plants for fighting depression include aloe vera, snake plants, and spider plants. These plants are known for their ability to improve air quality, boost moods, and reduce stress levels. Additionally, these plants are easy to care for, which can give you a sense of accomplishment.

How do I care for indoor plants?

Caring for indoor plants is relatively easy. Most plants only require watering once a week and occasional fertilizing. Additionally, it is important to place your plants in an area that receives enough sunlight.


If you’re looking for a natural way to boost your mood and fight depression, consider adding some indoor plants to your home. Not only are they beautiful and relaxing to look at, but they can also help purify the air and improve your mental health. 

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and buy yourself some indoor plants!

Ana Hoffman
Anna Hoffman is a part-time blogger who writes on Business, Technology, Digital Marketing, Real Estate, Lifestyle, and Educational topics.
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