For every dollar you spend on getting traffic into your store, you have to make well over 5x that much to get the most bang for your buck. You have to make five times as much because you are losing 95% of those potential customers. That is pretty incredible! How do you stop the hemorrhaging?
There are many ways to draw more customers and increase sales in supermarkets. Keep reading to find out what they are.
Offer a quality experience
Consider how the customer interacts with your business in terms of the total experience: physical environment; shopping experience; after-sales experience; and support systems. The physical environment includes décor, lighting, flooring and seating areas and music. The shopping experience includes the presentation of products, product information, sales assistance and checkout service. Finally, the after-sales experience includes delivery and returns policies as well as warranty information. To establish an effective marketing plan that promotes increases in sales and profits for supermarkets it’s important to consider these factors when planning your strategy for success.
Reward regular customers
The basic tactics of supermarkets are very similar to the tactics of all other types of retail stores. They want to sell as much merchandise as possible, and they want to sell it for as much profit as possible. However, because supermarkets do such high volume in terms of sales, they have to be more creative in order to make a bigger profit while also turning a higher volume of sales. This is why you will find that many supermarket retailers offer special discounts to customers who are considered regular customers.
One of the easiest ways to increase sales and increase profits is to encourage repeat business. You can do this by offering special discounts to customers who regularly shop at your store. Offering a discount for every fifth purchase or for a particular product, for example, will bring regular customers back over and over again.
Add value
Adding value means adding high quality items to the products you sell. For example, if you sell donuts, add chocolate sprinkles or even a hot fudge sauce to the donuts. Your customers will be happy because they get more than what they paid for and you’ll be delighted because it will drive up sales for donuts as well as other desserts like ice cream or brownies.
Provide a festive atmosphere
Make your supermarket a happier place by creating a festive atmosphere. Engage the senses of sight, sound, taste and smell. Offer guests a glass of wine while they shop or arrange food tastings on weekends. If you offer prepared meals, you can always have a small buffet available for your customers who want to enjoy their meal with one of your products.
Customers like to try new products before purchasing them. You also need to think about what they would like most in a given part of the day. For example, if you have the most customers during the afternoon, after they finish their work, then they would like protein crisps, which will give them energy. As soon as they try the product, they can buy it.
Loyalty program
Make sure your loyalty program is easy to use – Customers should be able to use it without difficulty. They should be able to collect points as easily as they can redeem them. The more hassle-free the process is, the more likely customers are going to be enticed by your loyalty program.
Giving away products or money for collecting points will make customers want to participate in your loyalty program even more. This will help you sell more products, which means higher profits for you!
Keep up with social media
Social media has made it possible for small businesses to compete with big companies. Social media sites give you the opportunity for free advertising, as well as the opportunity to learn how your customers feel about your business. You can use this information to make changes that will improve customer satisfaction and increase sales in the future.
There are several social media sites that you can use to market your business. Some of the most popular ones include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. Each social media site has its own unique benefits. Facebook, for example, is an excellent site for promoting special sales or announcing new product launches. Twitter is great for helping you connect with potential customers and allowing them to get special deals or exclusive offers from you. Instagram is best used for posting pictures of your products or store. Pinterest is helpful if you have a product that people want to see more details about before they buy it.
Be friendly
This one is pretty simple but very effective. Every successful business owner knows that providing good customer service will increase sales, because happy customers return again and again. It also increases profits by putting a face on your business, making people feel comfortable doing business with you.
Try these tips and increase your sales!