Home Real Estate How to Increase Property Inquiries for Real Estate Agents

How to Increase Property Inquiries for Real Estate Agents

Most real estate agents know they should be using social media, but many are unsure how to get started. We put together this guide with step-by-step instructions and some great social media tools for real estate agents to get you started. Here is how to increase property inquiries for real estate agents:

Make Your Information Mobile Accessible

According to Proficient, from 63.3 % in 2019, mobile devices are expected to account for 68.1% of all website visits by 2020. Desktops accounted for 28.9% of all holidays, while tablets accounted for 3.1%.

The increasingly mobile society necessitates that homebuyers spend a significant amount of time perusing listings while on the road. Prospective customers will be more inclined to choose your company if you create a mobile-friendly website that is easy to use.

Mobile-optimized sites are also more visible in search results, which is another benefit. A poorly designed mobile site might affect your rankings even if your desktop site is excellent, and this is because Google has begun rolling out mobile-first indexing.

Maximizing on Photography

Images of poor quality on your website will blend into the background. When it comes to marketing your homes, even a modest amount of money can significantly affect you.

A professional isn’t always necessary, but you should think about buying a good camera and attending some classes to learn the basics.

When photographing a property, focus on highlighting the property’s most prominent aspects. When photographing your property’s deck, avoid photographing it during the afternoon. Instead, wait until dusk and add some excellent lighting.

Define Your Target Client Base

Identify the most effective ways to market your services. An excellent way to increase property inquiries is to create an individualized website that offers a unique perspective. People will remember your presence and experience more if you can offer them more than just a listing.

You can also use social media and neighborhood farming to attract new clients and maintain existing ones. The key is to get the attention of your target audience and keep them hooked.

Find a Niche

Be unique. Make sure your real estate brokerage is different from the rest of the industry. Ensure your clients are well cared for by creating a personalized experience. Be unique and creative by sending thoughtful gifts, sponsoring a local sports team, and special treats to your clients’ pets.

Your sms marketing should also stand out and be memorable. This will help to cement your image with potential clients. These ideas will be practical but do not forget that you cannot copy them. Unlike other real estate agents, pocket listings are not always available.

This is a great way to attract new clients, and you can even offer your services for free. A professional real estate agent can invest in a lead generation campaign using various strategies for these purposes.

This is a great way to generate leads and boost your business. It is essential to stand out from the rest of the competition.

Actively Interact with All Inquiries Made on Your Social Media Page

Human beings like a one–on–one interaction with their sellers. Posting listings to your social media accounts may not be enough to get your desired interest or conversions. The other person will become bored and uninterested if all your conversation involves talking about yourself.

The same holds for using social media. In addition to posting to your social media accounts, join or develop natural estate-related interest groups on social media.

This is a much more successful technique for communicating with real individuals and creating connections than putting out information to the anonymous users you’ll see in social media analytics.

By establishing yourself as an industry and geographic authority, you’ll gain credibility and a following of loyal customers.


Our ultimate goal is to save agents time and boost their chances of generating more property leads so that they can spend time with clients. With the right keywords and platform integrations in place, agents should be able to optimize their social media marketing, saving them hours of bookkeeping every month. You need skills to grow your real estate business and increase leads for your broker or agent. It would help if you were great with people, excellent at telling stories in high-quality content, not scared of numbers and statistics, good at connecting with other people online, and good at building high-end relationships offline.

Ana Hoffman
Anna Hoffman is a part-time blogger who writes on Business, Technology, Digital Marketing, Real Estate, Lifestyle, and Educational topics.
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