Home Marketing How To Get Your Adsense Approved Within 1 Week

How To Get Your Adsense Approved Within 1 Week

Google Adsense is one of the services provided by Google that is the favorite of almost every marketer. It comes with lots of opportunities to earn money and get the best outcome for the business. However, getting approved in Adsense is not as easy as it seems. Some people struggle for months, even years, to get approval for Adsense. 

Don’t worry, that does not mean you will need one year as well. If you know the process very well, then you can get the Adsense approved in 1 week. First, however, you need to make sure that everything is up to the mark. If there is a slight mistake on your website, then you will get rejected. So, here we will talk about how you can get Google Adsense approved in 1 week in detail. 

Most Common Reasons For Rejection 

Before you find out how to get the Google Adsense approved in one week, you need to know some common reasons for rejection. For example, if your website has insufficient content, not maintained the policies, does not meet quality guidelines, you will get rejected instantly. So, before you submit your application, you need to know these guidelines and policies in detail. 

How To Get Approved In Google Adsense In 1 Week? 

Now that you know what are the common reasons to get rejected from Google Adsense, this is the time to know what are the things that you need to know. Here are some of them given below in detail that you look at to improve your application and get accepted on the first try in 1 week. 

  • Content

As mentioned above, one of the common reasons for getting rejected from Google Adsense is poor content. So, you need to make sure that the content is very good and up to the mark. Based on reports, this is one of the major parts that the Google Adsense approval team checks very well. 

Many people make the same mistake of creating too much content while all of them are not up to the mark. Instead of focusing on the quantity, you will need to focus on the quality of the content to get accepted. So, even if you have 8-10 posts on your website, make sure that they are meeting the quality standards. 

You can take the help of professionals to improve the content and then submit your application for Google Adsense. 

  • User Interface 

Not only content, but you also have to keep in mind many different things. One of them is the user interface that plays a very vital role. Google always looks for a clean, clear, informative, and smooth website. So, while many people might tell you to make your website design rich, it is not a very good idea. 

Google wants the website to be as informative and straightforward as possible for visitors. The more simple the website is, the better it is for them to find information easily. Rich designed websites might look very good, but it is very hard to find any information easily. There are also some highly designed websites available that lag and provide a bad user experience. 

So, you have to focus on making the website attractive, clean, smooth, informative, and user-friendly at the same time. 

  • Terms and Policy Page 

Before understanding the basic things, many people search for “how does google ads generate responsive search ads?” One of them is including the terms and policy page on your website. No matter how good your website is, if your website does not have any terms and policy page, you will not get approved by the Google Approval team. 

Before adding content, make sure to add a term and policy page to your website. It is one of the things that Google checks very strictly. In addition, it helps to ensure that the customers are safe and secure while using the website. Security and privacy are some of the things that Google does not want to compromise with. 

  • Shares & Comments 

Creating high-quality content is not enough to get approved in Google Adsense. You have to make sure that the contents have many comments and shares. It will increase the chances of getting the application accepted. This is one of the most important things that you need to focus on for quick approval.  


Google Adsense is one of the most popular services that help to boost earnings. However, it is not very easy to get the approval of Google Adsense. There are many things that you need to keep in mind and improve in your content to get it accepted fast. Here are some of them given in detail. Make sure to go through every point to find out more. 

Ana Hoffman
Anna Hoffman is a part-time blogger who writes on Business, Technology, Digital Marketing, Real Estate, Lifestyle, and Educational topics.
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