Home Health & Fitness 6 Ways To Treat Cracked Heels At Home

6 Ways To Treat Cracked Heels At Home

Heels that crack easily are a typical complaint among those who have foot problems. One in five persons has had foot cracks, according to a recent survey. Both sexes are equally susceptible, regardless of age. The truth is that females are more likely to be affected.

Most people can live with the discomfort of cracked heels without any inconvenience. However, going barefoot isn’t always comfortable. The discomfort from fractured heels can be excruciating in extreme circumstances.

When do heels crack, and why?

Multiple factors can contribute to dryness of the heel, which in turn can cause cracking. Causes of dry, cracked heels include:

If you don’t give your feet the attention they need and don’t moisturize them consistently.

As we become older, our skin goes through a series of changes that include less oil production, a thinning down, and an increase in solar damage.

Cracked heels are the result of the skin on your feet being continually injured, either by excessive friction and rubbing or by harsh environmental factors like a dry climate.

Atopic dermatitis (itchy, inflamed skin), malnutrition, eczema, a fungal infection, or type 2 diabetes are all possible causes.

If you wear sandals or flip-flops frequently, you should consider switching to closed shoes.

The inability to perspire indicates a lack of activity in the sweat glands.

If you weigh more than what is considered appropriate for your build, you may be at risk of health problems.

How to Treat a Cracked Heel at Home

Our kitchen is stocked with miraculous foods that have medicinal and healing characteristics and may treat a wide variety of common ailments, including cracked heels.

Let’s have a look at some of the tried and true methods for treating cracked heels at home.

  1. Applying a humectant or emollient moisturizer

Emollients are able to get deep into the skin and prevent moisture loss. They work by filling in the spaces between skin flakes to leave skin feeling silky smooth and supple. They aid in the prevention of moisture loss via the skin.

Moisture humectants are substances that are able to permeate the epidermis, draw moisture from the air, and keep the skin wet. They also assist in the skin’s ability to hold water.

When the air is dry, humectants may instead pull moisture from the deeper layers of the skin. In the long run, this could make the skin even more parched. Adding an occlusive to a humectant may be an effective way to prevent moisture loss.

  1. Banana

Bananas include several beneficial components, including vitamins A, B6, and C, which help the skin retain its suppleness and stay supple. Bananas are rich in glycerin, a natural humectant that helps maintain moisture levels in the skin, so they’re perfect for preventing dry, cracked feet.

You need to mix together two ripe bananas into a pulp. Bananas are healthy for your skin, but only when they’re ripe. Apply the paste to your entire foot, including your nails and the sides of your toes. After 20 minutes, you should wash it off your feet with water.

For optimum effects, do this every night before bed for at least two weeks.

  1. Vegetable Oil

Emollient, antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing effects have all been found in vegetable oils. They provide the skin with the essential nutrients it needs to thrive. Vegetable oils have powerful characteristics that can help cure cracked heels.

Simply remove your shoes and socks and wash your feet before drying them thoroughly with a clean towel. Vegetable oil can be applied to the region in question. You should put on some heavy socks and sleep in them. So, first thing in the morning, scrub those feet. Every night before bed, do this.

  1. Honey

For cracked heels, honey could be a useful natural cure. Honey contains antimicrobial and antibacterial effects, according to a 2012 review. Honey’s antibacterial and antiseptic properties, as well as its ability to moisturize the skin, have been shown in scientific studies. Honey can be used as a scrub after a foot soak, or as a mask for the feet to rest in while you sleep.

  1. Coconut oil

Those with dry skin, eczema, or psoriasis may find relief from using coconut oil. The use of this can aid the skin in holding onto moisture. After soaking your feet, you might also try massaging them with coconut oil.It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial characteristics which are helpful to fight any kind of skin infection.

  1. Pumice Stone Buff

Using pumice stones to buff the skin exfoliates and removes dead skin, making it more receptive to moisturizer. Pumice stones are created when lava and water are mixed together. Take 5 to 10 minutes to relax your feet in warm water. The least you could do is dry your feet. For about two minutes, using light circular motions and water, rub the abrasive side of the pumice stone on the dry skin. Get your heels wet and hydrated with some lotion after a good rinse.


If you live in a dry area, keeping your heels in good condition might be challenging. There are a number of different causes of cracked heels, including malnutrition, diabetes, and atopic dermatitis. The edges and soles of your feet may dry out and become rough and flaky. If you find that self-care measures like these aren’t helping, it’s time to consult a dermatologist in Lahore.


  1. Are cracked heels OK?

Minor heel fissures are usually only an annoyance and an eyesore, but if left untreated, they can become unpleasant to walk on and even infected if not properly cared for.

  1. How long do cracked heels take to heal?

Heels with severe cracks may take longer to mend. Using a combination of dead skin removal and topical treatments, minor fissures in the heel can heal in as little as a week. Healing time for larger or deeper cracks in the skin, even with medicine and care, can be anywhere from two weeks to four weeks.

  1. Can a cracked heel get infected?

The appearance of cracked heels may be unappealing, but most cases of cracking do not warrant medical attention. Unfortunately, cellulitis, a skin infection, can develop on occasion from severely cracked heels.

Ana Hoffman
Anna Hoffman is a part-time blogger who writes on Business, Technology, Digital Marketing, Real Estate, Lifestyle, and Educational topics.
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