Spending too much time in front of the TV? Couch potato lifestyle. Staying up all night at the club? Maybe not the best use of your time. But do you have a degree and a job suppose a content or essay writer, but find yourself too busy to attend university classes for your final semester exams?
Don’t fret. Studying while working can be done without sacrificing your hard-earned cash. With these top 10 tips on how to study while working — and if you want to excel in your degree — you’ll be back in class and at work in no time.
Enjoy these result-oriented tips to balanced work and study
Studying while working isn’t an easy task. It’s quite hard actually, especially when you’re overwhelmed with the workload at work. You don’t have to be a genius to know that you must learn how to manage your time well.
After all, every single minute counts, especially for a student. So, if you’re still trying to figure out how to optimize your workflow and effectively study while working, read on and find out how you can get it done.
Schedule making
Solving the puzzle of how to study while working is possible now. Create a schedule for yourself based on how much time you have available per day (e.g., 30 minutes before lunch break). The schedule should include all the subjects you need to cover, together with the material that needs more attention and practice (e.g., vocabulary).
Make sure there are no more than two subjects per day so that you don’t get overloaded with information; otherwise, you’ll spend too much time trying to remember everything instead of actually learning new things!
Set up a study area at your workplace
If you work in an open-plan office, it can be difficult to find a quiet place to study. But if you set up a small study area, it will make it easier for you to concentrate on your work. Believe us it is one of the good study methods for students. If you have a desk, try creating a small space by boxing off part of your desk with books or folders.
Or, if you don’t have a desk, bring in a table from home and use that as your study area. It’s also worth looking into getting an ergonomic chair for this purpose as well as investing in some noise-canceling headphones if there are distractions from nearby colleagues or phone calls coming through the speakers on their phones!
Set aside a specific time for studying
It’s important to set aside time specifically for studying so that you don’t get distracted by other tasks and responsibilities that come up during the day. If possible, try to make it part of your daily routine – for example, before or after lunchtime – so that it becomes an unconscious habit. This will help you focus on the task at hand without distraction.
Study in short bursts
If you try to study for too long at once, it becomes very hard to focus on what you’re doing and retain information. Instead, try studying in 10–15-minute increments with breaks in between so that you can keep your mind focused and alert without getting bored or distracted by other things happening around you.
This also gives your brain time to process what you’ve learned before moving on to something else which can help prevent confusion later down the road when trying to remember specific details about what was Here you got the fruitful tips on how to study while working! The time is here to excel both in professional and academic life. covered during one of those study sessions earlier that day/week/month…etc.).
Learn from your mistakes
Most students don’t do this, but it’s an excellent way to learn and retain information. If you’re having trouble with a certain concept or problem set, simply keep trying until you get it right. Once you do, take note of what went wrong the first few times (and there will always be something), so that next time around you’ll know what not to do again!
Repetition is key here: after studying a chapter or section multiple times and making mistakes along the way, try doing it again without looking back at notes or other sources of information; this time around, you’ll find that it’s much easier — if not downright easy — because you’ve internalized all those pieces of information so well!
Go over the material before class
The most important tip is to go over the material before class. This will help you understand the main points and give you a good idea of what your professor will be covering in class. If your professor teaches from a textbook, then it’s even more important that you read over the chapters ahead of time.
Bring a notebook or laptop to class
Bringing a notebook or laptop helps keep you on task and allows you to take notes more efficiently. You can also refer back to your notes if you get stuck on an exam or quiz. It’s easier to study when you have writing samples from class.
The best thing about taking notes is that it forces you to pay attention in lectures and absorb what your professor is saying instead of daydreaming or checking Facebook every five minutes!
Take advantage of breaks
You should take advantage of breaks at work by using them as study time. If possible, try not to use your break time solely for eating or socializing with coworkers; instead, use this time as an opportunity to review what was learned earlier in the day or week.
Remember: It’s OK if you don’t understand something right away! Just like with any other subject in life, it takes practice to learn something new and become an expert at it.
Set a realistic goal for each session
If you have a lot of work or other responsibilities, set realistic goals for yourself that allow you to fit in studying time between those tasks. If you have only one hour per night, that doesn’t mean that you can’t learn anything; it just means that your “one hour” won’t be as valuable as someone who has two hours per night available for studying.
Make sure that your goals are challenging but achievable so that when you do meet them, it feels worthwhile!
Use technology to help you study better
Technology is a great way to improve your studying. Many different apps and websites can help you with your studies. The key is finding one that fits your learning style. If you’re a visual learner, try flashcards or an online Quizlet course. If you’re more of a hands-on learner, try an app like Duolingo, which will teach you another language through different activities.
Keep track of what you’ve learned
This tip could be considered part of the previous one, but it deserves its spot! Keeping track of what you have learned (or what needs more attention) can help keep you focused on the task at hand and avoid wasting time rereading material that has already been covered (or reviewed). There are many different ways this can be done: using sticky notes or post-it notes, creating charts or diagrams.
Find study partners who are motivated like you
Working with a study partner is one of the best ways to stay motivated and focused on your studies. If you’re struggling to stay on track, try finding someone who has similar goals and ambitions as you, so that you can keep each other accountable.
To be successful at both work and study requires a lot of hard work and self-discipline. But balancing work with the study also has its fair share of rewards, if you can pull it off. Just make sure to prioritize your responsibilities and not overwhelm yourself, as that’s one of the biggest causes of burnout. Find a system that works for you, stick to it, and most importantly, enjoy the success that comes from being an excellent student and employee!