Checking hidden content is only possible if you are known all about hidden content and problems related to it. You should know that any website or page that search bots simply connect with the website content is said to be having hidden or cloaked content. You should know that hidden content is prepared not for direct optimization of it, and this is why you must know about the reasons behind the hiding of text or content on websites. We would recommend that you read this content until the very end if you want to learn about hidden content and other relative formalities.
Some intentions to hide content
Here are some of the manipulative reasons or intentions that can be used to hide content.
- Keyword spamming is the first intentional reason for hiding content. It is thought that if one uses a long list of keywords on the content, then it will result in better keyword ranking.
- The second intentional reason for hiding content is the use of backlinks or hiding the backlinks. You should know that backlinks have been a huge ranking factor for websites and pages. Some websites use this hidden linking technique just because other websites can know about the bigger linking chain that you are involved in.
- If one is branding or writing for the competitor’s service to get their user traffic on the website, then it can be another reason why he/she is hiding the content. You should know that although this is highly unethical, it is still known to be a good way of improving the ranks.
- Content is also hidden if one is using the most incorrectly spelled keywords in their work. The use of misspelled keywords is seen when one is opting for the ranking of an incorrect user search density!
There are also some legit reasons that one can have for hiding content; knowing about these reasons is important so that you can know the difference between the legal aspects and manipulation. These include navigation, paid content, which is also known as a paywall, responsive design and also multiple browser usage. Now we would not get into their details; rather, we would move towards the best website that can help you in finding hidden content and relative aspects of it!
Duplichecker and its free services
Duplichecker is known to be one of the finest platforms for free and reliable services. You should know that there are many resources on the web including the google search console that can help you in free checking of hidden content, but it is not a friendly as well as easy to use program. Duplichecker is known to be the best service provider not only because it is free but is also because its services are quite simple and most importantly require no formality or experience.
Free online plagiarism checker by Duplichecker
If you want to find out duplication in hidden content, then you need a quality and reliable plagiarism tool for this purpose. This online plagiarism checker offered by Duplichecker is not only free but is extremely accurate in its results and is famous all across the web for its versatility and detailed results. This plagiarism scanner is also very easy to use and you can operate it without any proper skills and experience in checking duplication.
When you enter the plagiarism checker’s interface of Duplichecker, and you would see multiple options for input. You can select the suitable option for you, and after inputting content or even the webpage URL in this online tool, you just have to click on the ‘Check Plagiarism’ button. This online plagiarism detector will help you in scanning all kinds of plagiarism invisible as well as in hidden content. This is considered to be one of the best copyright checking programs on the web these days!
Link cloaking tool by duplichecker
You should know that the cloaking checker tool by duplichecker is extremely easy to use, and with this, you should know that it is quite simple in its existence, and most importantly it is free. You just have to open up duplichecker, find or navigate the cloak checker tool and from there you can simply add up to ten domain addresses under your website or page that you are running.
After completing input, you just have to hit the check button, and the tool will get you the results for all the hidden links found on the website or the webpages. You can make this search on your websites and can also check other sites and platforms as well for free checking and finding of the other links that are being used by the site! In this way, you can save the site from being deceived by ranking!
Code to text ratio checker tool by Duplichecker
You should know that the online code to text ratio checker tool by duplichecker is also one of the tools that can help you check different aspects of hidden content. If you are not sure about the codes that are used in your web page or site, then you simply need a checker tool in this regard as it is very much important that you focus on code to text ratio if you are opting for a better seo score. You should know that there is a certain amount of text allowed under a single HTML code and if one exceeds it, then it means that he or she is hiding text from the search engine. This code to text ratio checker tool is important to use as it can help you in eliminating unnecessary codes and avoid excessive tabs from your page. This will help you a lot in optimizing your page for free!