Creating your artwork is only half the battle when it comes to gaining a true audience of loyal fans that will invest in your work and support your creative purpose. Getting the word out on the right channels and where your loyal fans live and consume information can be a struggle for new artists and returning pros in the art world. In this blog post, we’ll discuss a few of the most useful ways we’ve learned to market your work as a digital artist.
Start a Blog
If you’re looking to share your music with the world, the first thing you’ll need to do is start a blog. A blog will let you share your artwork with the world. When you have a blog, you fans will easily be able to interact with you through comments and personal messages. Your fans will be able to instantly listen to or download your most recent album and share it with their friends which will help you grow your fanbase.
Share Your Art on Social Media
One of the second most important things you can do to market your work as a digital artist is to share your art on social media. There are entire groups related to genres and fan pages that will help you develop the following that will ensure you build your reputation over time. Creating art and producing music are challenging tasks and the last thing you want to do is not be able to market your work. Perhaps even creating custom songs for people on Songly is your kind of thing too. Artists can also share their art on DeviantArt – a free and popular repository for new and innovative artwork.
Create Your Own Videos
Creating videos is another popular form of marketing that digital artists do to spread the word about their recent song or piece of art. Videos can include tracks of your recent albums or be in the form of a podcast or interview. One of the most important tools to leverage is the area where you can include links back to your personal blog or YouTube channel. You may also link back to your nft music marketplace page which hosts your nft art or music.
Guest Post on Popular Blogs
Guest posting is another great form of digital marketing that artists don’t often leverage enough. Guest posts don’t have to be terribly long or tedious to write. The key is finding the most relevant blogs to submit your guest posts to and getting connected with the blog owner for them to approve your posts.
Join and Participate in Online Forums
Online forums are our last go-to when it comes to ensuring digital artists are able to market their work online. Online forums can be general or niche-specific. The type of online forum you choose will determine whether your fans will end up being hyper-committed to seeing you grow or just random visitors that may download or purchase a song or two every few months. Popular search engines like Google can help you locate the best forums for your music or art niche. Be sure to be specific though when you’re typing in your search query.
Once you’re a registered member of a relevant online forum related to your art niche, be sure to comment and create threads. Interact with users on the site and become a trusted source of knowledge. Be sure not to forget to include a link back to your own personal website or information about your social media handles so users can contact you if they are interested in your artwork.
Become One of the Millions of Artists Marketing Their NFTs Today
Your artwork is priceless and finding loyal fans can be daunting but now that you’ve learned these easy ways to market your digital art, download our guide on nfts for beginners which will help you expand your audience and learn why NFTs are the future for digital artists worldwide.