Home Business Give Your Employees & Customers a Comprehensive Protection with Sneeze Guards

Give Your Employees & Customers a Comprehensive Protection with Sneeze Guards

Do you want to maintain social distancing and protect your employees without compromising their connection with your customers? 

The COVID-19 outbreak has drastically created fear and resistance in the mind of customers when it comes to stepping outside their homes to buy goods. Consequently, this pandemic has put sneeze guards in high demand. These protective shields are now popping up at the cash registers, banks, doctor’s offices, and in most of the shops as a protective barrier between shoppers and employees. 

At what places you can use these sneeze guards? 

  • Restaurants and bakeries 
  • Fitness centers
  • Reception desks 
  • Cash registers
  • Public transportation
  • Salon
  • Check-out counters
  • Pharmacies and doctor’s office
  • Gyms and fitness studios
  • Schools 
  • Gas stations 

Why your business should use quality sneeze guards? 

Are you also one of them who are pondering why your business should use these guards? If your company has many employees, it might become hard to take adequate measures while conducting meetings, conferences, etc. Therefore, with the help of plexiglass Sneeze Guards, it will become easier for you to promote health and safety at your workplace. It is one of the best tools that allow employees to interact safely. Thanks to the barrier to protect it offers! 

How high should a sneeze guard have to be?

It has been advised to place your sneeze guard somewhere between 6-8 feet tall. With the help of this range, you can ensure that there’s always a physical barrier between your employees and customers. Therefore, by sticking with the 6 to 8 feet rule, you will always be covered. 

What are the benefits of using Sneeze Guards?

According to various researches and surveys, it has been found that Sneeze Guards helps in reducing the inhalational exposure of people by 96% within 18 inches of a cough. It offers loads of privileges to almost every individual who might be feeling unsafe, going to stores or any other essential public spaces and risking their well-being. 

  1. Enhance brand recognition: As soon as the customers enter a store, bank, office, or public space, they start creating a perception about your brand. Therefore, when you take adequate measures to protect your customers and even employees, it creates a great first impression and enhances your brand recognition. 
  2. Promotes 6 feet social distancing norms: To prevent the spread of COVID-19, social distancing mandates that people stand at least 6 feet away. However, completing a financial transaction from a distance is nearly impossible. Therefore, a sneeze guard can help you to protect both the cashiers and the customers with a hassle-free procedure. 
  3. Encourages healthy and comfortable interactions: Do you want to create a resilient safety culture in your workplace? Plexiglass Sneeze Guards can the power to create a strong culture by keeping your employees connected, informed, invested, and safe whenever they enter the workplace. It encourages healthy and comfortable communication between your employees and customers without any fear or hesitation.
  4. Put customer’s mind at ease: Do you feel uncomfortable or unsafe at your store? Then how can you imagine your customers will feel safe or comfortable visiting your store? It’s better to take extra safety precautions at your business by using sneeze guards. It helps put your customer’s minds at ease and makes them feel comfortable visiting and shopping at your store. 
  5. Shows your company initiative to combat COVID-19 spread: During this challenging time, safety is the foremost priority! Using these sneeze guards, you can promote health and safety at your workplace without even burning a hole in your pocket. It perfectly shows your company’s initiatives for combating the spread of the pandemic and extends support during the time of global crisis. 

The Bottom Line

Due to the ongoing pandemic, businesses of almost every kind are turning to sneeze guards for help. It won’t merely help you in preventing food from getting contaminated, but it also helps in protecting your employees and customers most reliably. You can free to place them at your check-in desk, check-out counter, and even reservation stands for limiting exposure while allowing your business a safer place for everyone. 

Ana Hoffman
Anna Hoffman is a part-time blogger who writes on Business, Technology, Digital Marketing, Real Estate, Lifestyle, and Educational topics.


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