Home Home & Garden 4 Important Home Improvements for Those With Mobility Impairments

4 Important Home Improvements for Those With Mobility Impairments

If you or a family member have a mobility impairment, the design of their house is critical to living a safe and comfortable life. That is why it is so important to ensure that certain home improvements are made. However, if you or your family member have never had to deal with this type of project, it can be quite a daunting task to take on. The following includes four of the most important home improvements you should focus on for someone with a mobility impairment. 

Stair Upgrades 

If you or a loved one lives in a two-story home, climbing stairs can be a frustrating and often dangerous task to do every day. That is why this is often the first thing that is upgraded within a home. One of the best ways to improve this area is to install stair lifts. Due to innovations in technology and design, today’s stairlifts are safe, comfortable, and very reliable. 

Bathroom Design Changes 

The bathroom area is one of the most dangerous areas for someone with mobility issues. This is because of the presence of several dangers such as water, hard surfaces, and electronics. Fortunately, there are several ways to improve the bathroom and make it both safer and much more practical. Areas to focus on includes the handlebars within the shower, having the shower itself turn into a walk-in tub and lower counters if the person requires a wheelchair. 

Ramps and Wider Doorways

No matter if a person needs a wheelchair or not, every entrance with stairs should be converted into a ramp. This allows those with mobility issues to walk down a smooth path rather than force themselves to expend their muscles more than they need to. In addition, in the event of an emergency such as a fire, making things easier for them through the installment of ramps also serves to get them out of the house quickly. 

Entrances should also be made wider, whether it be for a wheelchair, walker, cane, or general convenience. Narrow doorways make it difficult for those with any sort of mobility aid to get through in a timely and safe manner. Thankfully, it’s much easier to make doorways larger than it is to make them narrower, and just about any contractor should be able to help you find a new door to fit the new doorway size.

Kitchen Design Changes 

Most people with mobility impairment can still do a lot on their own. However, if they have trouble stretching, it can be very difficult for them to cook within a home with large kitchen counters and cabinets. This is why a kitchen design change is needed. By shortening counters or moving storage space to ground level, even those with a mobility impairment can live a fruitful and independent life. 

Having mobility issues can be very difficult, but that doesn’t mean you can’t maneuver around your own home. With a few alterations, you can make your home a safe place of total access.

Ana Hoffman
Anna Hoffman is a part-time blogger who writes on Business, Technology, Digital Marketing, Real Estate, Lifestyle, and Educational topics.
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