Home Business Workplace Sexual Harassment Training: What You Need To Know

Workplace Sexual Harassment Training: What You Need To Know

Sexual harassment, in any context, is not something to take lightly. 

The recent #MeToo movement caused an explosion of victims stepping forward to speak about their experiences with powerful men such as Matt Lauer, Tavis Smiley, and Harvey Weinstein. A bright light was shed on workplace sexual harassment. 

It’s time every company starts taking this issue seriously. One way to create a safer environment is by requiring employee sexual harassment training

To learn more about this type of training, keep reading. We’ve provided a short guide below. 

What Is Sexual Harassment Training?  

Employee sexual harassment training can be uncomfortable for some employees, but it’s necessary. This type of training educates staff members on what sexual harassment is, what it looks like, and what to do if it happens. 

Withholding information on how to report incidents leaves victims feeling afraid and isolated. They feel as if they’re stuck in a dark cycle of abuse.

The information in the training will empower victims and witnesses to speak up about their experiences while increasing workplace accountability. Your employees deserve to work somewhere that protects their staff. 

Is It Worth It?

Some employers are hesitant about investing in sexual harassment training classes because they’re afraid it’ll take away too much time from the workday. 

Yes, your employees may have to put tasks on hold to complete the training, but the investment pays off in the end. Training provides a layer of protection for your company in the situation you do end up facing a case. 

These classes also build brand reputation and decrease employee turnover rates. Employees want to work where management cares about these topics. 

Employee Sexual Harassment Training is Effective

If you’re asking yourself, “Is sexual harassment training effective?”, we can guarantee you it is. 

This type of training mobilizes bystanders to take action against sexual predators. Witnesses will be confident in knowing what action to take against misconduct.

There is a chance you’ll notice the number of sexual harassment reports increases after training. This is the result of victim empowerment. More people will feel comfortable stepping forward about the abuse they’ve suffered within the workplace. 

Whether you’re a medical office or coffee shop, don’t waste time on taking action against perpetrators. Create a quick-response process for HR and management to follow. 

Getting Started With Sexual Harassment Training

Employee sexual harassment training is crucial within any workplace, no matter how big or small. It’s not a comfortable topic to talk about, but it’s a talk that needs to happen. 

Sexual harassment training mobilizes workplace bystanders and empowers victims to speak up about their incidents. This type of training also protects your company and reduces employee turnover. 

If your workplace is in need of training courses, we’ve got you covered. We offer courses on everything from inclusion and diversity to operating rooms protocol. Purchase a credentials bundle of our most popular courses today. 

Ana Hoffman
Anna Hoffman is a part-time blogger who writes on Business, Technology, Digital Marketing, Real Estate, Lifestyle, and Educational topics.
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